Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision

A local community that is strong & vibrant, where everyone feels included.

Our Mission

We deliver innovative community based activities that acknowledge unmet needs. We create uplifting social experiences & human connections for local people.

Our Core Values

– Compassion – Inclusivity – Kindness – Purposefulness – Respect

Our aim is to promote a socially inclusive, multi-generational community. We want to help our seniors and those less mobile become more active citizens and feel supported, valued and respected.

Our core program is delivered by Cycling Without Age Sorrento, providing free trishaw rides along our beautiful coast between Mullaloo and Trigg. Our rides leave from Sorrento Surf Lifesaving Club as well as Sorrento Quay, Hillarys Boat Harbour. We offer WA’s founding free trishaw service and have been riding every day of the week since early 2018. During this time we are proud to have offered the most frequent service of its type in the country.

We also support our community by delivering food, aiding local events, and bringing people together whenever we can.

Cycling those less mobile allows for good conversation between our volunteers and passengers. This connection enables our supported people to feel valued and remain relevant within their own community. All while being surrounded by our beautiful coastal environment.

We have provided rides for more than 7200 Trishaw passengers and cycled more than 52,000 passenger kms. This is the same as the distance as Perth to Copenhagen, return — TWICE. This is in addition to the 2,990 Volunteer Trishaw positions that enabled these rides. The Moving Food program has delivered 42,000+ meals to seniors and vulnerable individuals living within our community.

We understand the importance of embracing our history and keeping our collective memory alive, so we can truly appreciate how our amazing community came together.

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