Our fleet of six Trishaws provide meaningful experiences
Our fleet of six Trishaws provide long meaningful rides lasting between 45 and 90 minutes, leaving from Sorrento SLSC. This is in conjunction with our group rides from Sorrento Quay, Hillarys Boat Harbour.
We ask for an annual fee-for-service from aged care and disability organisations who frequently use our services. This fee helps us to recover costs.
These rides are provided to our community every day of the week. We also provide twilight rides in summer, though this is wind-dependent.
Bookings are essential.
Follow our Facebook page – Motion By The Ocean Inc to stay informed.
Rides are free for the general public.
Would you like to book a ride for your elderly family member or someone who can’t ride for themselves?

Up to 40 per cent of people in aged care homes never get visitors
This ABC News item resonated with us at Motion By The Ocean, reinforcing why we provide trishaw rides in our community.
Former MP Ken Wyatt, in an address to the National Press Club as Aged Care Minister, said he had heard that up to 40 per cent of people in residential aged care had no visitors 365 days of the year.
“It saddens me immensely,” he said.
Mr Wyatt said he was dismayed that older people were left on their own without family contact.
“Our love should not be conditional on a point in age, or because we drift away from those who once gave of themselves to care for us,” he said.
Mr Wyatt said loneliness was one of the most disturbing trends in aged care and was an issue for those with dementia in particular.
All Australians should question how they would want to be treated.
“We must all ask ourselves: Do I want to be abandoned in my later years? Is this what my elders deserve? Is this how I want to live out my days?” he said.
He called for more love and respect for older people.
“When I talk to people in aged care, I find so many who crave simple touch, a hug, the warmth of palms clasped together, or a soothing hand on their shoulder,” he said.